Classes have been temporarily suspended due to COVID.

Bank of Anguilla Offers Financial Education Boot Camp
The more you know, the farther your money can go.
Two times each year, Bank of Anguilla, in conjunction with other sponsors, hosts five-week Financial Education Boot Camp classes to develop your financial management skills and promote improved money management habits. Classes are held in Rolling Fork at a centrally-located site. Classes are free and open to everyone, but registration is required as the class size is limited. Watch this site for info on dates for the next Financial Education Boot Camp.
Class size is limited to 25. Pre-registration strongly encouraged. Watch this site for info and dates for the next Boot Camp.

@ location to be announced
- Orientation
- Health & Wealth
- Financial Pyramid
- Insurance
- Consumer Skills
- VIP Financial Files
- How You Spend Your Money
- Debts Owed
@ location to be announced
- Changing Financial Behavior
- Finding Extra Income
- Budget/Spending Plan
- Setting Goals
@ location to be announced
- Banking and Saving
- Bank Account Options
- Savings Options
- Basic Investment Options
@ location to be announced
- Establishing Credit
- Equal Credit Opportunity Rights
- Credit Scoring
- Credit Card Rules
- Identity Theft
@ location to be announced
- Debts
- Money Traps That Can Keep You Broke
- Additional Resources
- Graduation
Bank of Anguilla is sponsoring financial boot camps developed by an unaffiliated third party and is not responsible for the content of the course.
Become a Boot Camp Champ!

Bank of Anguilla Offers Financial Education Boot Camp
The more you know, the farther your money can go.
Two times each year, Bank of Anguilla, in conjunction with other sponsors, hosts five-week Financial Education Boot Camp classes to develop your financial management skills and promote improved money management habits. Classes are held in Rolling Fork at a centrally-located site. Classes are free and open to everyone, but registration is required as the class size is limited. Watch this site for info on dates for the next Financial Education Boot Camp.
Class size is limited to 25. Pre-registration strongly encouraged. Watch this site for info and dates for the next Boot Camp.
@ location to be announced
- Orientation
- Health & Wealth
- Financial Pyramid
- Insurance
- Consumer Skills
- VIP Financial Files
- How You Spend Your Money
- Debts Owed
@ location to be announced
- Changing Financial Behavior
- Finding Extra Income
- Budget/Spending Plan
- Setting Goals
@ location to be announced
- Banking and Saving
- Bank Account Options
- Savings Options
- Basic Investment Options
@ location to be announced
- Establishing Credit
- Equal Credit Opportunity Rights
- Credit Scoring
- Credit Card Rules
- Identity Theft
@ location to be announced
- Debts
- Money Traps That Can Keep You Broke
- Additional Resources
- Graduation
Bank of Anguilla is sponsoring financial boot camps developed by an unaffiliated third party and is not
responsible for the content of the course.